That Moment When: An Anthology of Young Adult Fiction

But holy cow! I've read anthologies before, and they're good. Some stories are better than others, and sometimes I don't connect with the writing or the story or whatever. But this collection is dynamic. The paranormal stuff is fascinating, the horror/thriller stuff is chilling, the fantasy stuff is magical, and nearly every story was a home run for me. I think there was two, maybe three stories I didn't care for. Out of so many, that's saying something.
You literally can't go wrong with this book. There are so many great stories that introduce you to so many incredible worlds, that you're sure to find your next favorite author among the pack. I know I have a story in there, but I'm practically fangirling over this collection myself. I couldn't be prouder than to find a place among these incredibly talented authors.
Many thanks to [a:Derek Murphy|4590842|Derek Murphy|] for putting this collection together, and to [a:David R. Bernstein|15615628|David R. Bernstein|] for helping him out.
So go ahead, skip my story, but READ THIS ANTHOLOGY! You really don't want to miss this (and did I mention that it's free?!?!?).