Muriel Avenue Sluts

Jules is the daughter of a Muriel Avenue slut--women paid for sex, but much classier than prostitutes--and one day hopes to become one herself. But life gets complicated when she finds out her best friend is getting raped by one of their gentlemen between activities. She's horrified and desperate to do something to stop it. So when she hears it happening, she rushes to her friend's rescue and does the only thing she can think of. He falls off the balcony to his death, and only she and her best friend know what really happened.
The secrets are eating at her, and she finds herself drawn to Greta, the daughter of the man who died. Jules gets pulled into Greta's darkness, and after a few mistakes, she finds herself on the run from the FBI. How can she get her life back without bringing down Muriel Avenue and those she loves so much?
This story has it all - sex, murder, secrets, and danger. And there's enough swearing in there to tide over even the saltiest of sailors. :) I think a lot of people would enjoy this kind of thing, even though it wasn't exactly my bag. The characters are well-developed and very realistic. The setup feels like a real life situation - the sluts, the stories, the magical crisper drawer... There is an incredible amount of detail that sets this book up as great storytelling.
My biggest qualm--other than the fact that I would never recommend this book to any young adult--was the ending. But it's not a moral story, so I supposed there doesn't need to be a moral to the story, I just wonder what ideas some people will get reading it.
Otherwise, if the story sounds like one you'd like, pick it up. It has a definite Pretty Little Liars feel to it, though darker and more sinister.