The Truth About The The Sky

Over in Boston, Kim's sister-in-law Suzanne, wife to Quentin and mother of three gets some incredible news: her husband's job is moving him home to Oklahoma, and she's finally going to get that dream house she's been hoping for.
It sounds like a great big family reunion, except for one thing, neither Kim nor Quentin want to move home and lose themselves in the overbearing perfection required of a preacher's kid.
Literally everything falls apart. Suzanne gets pregnant and is unable to run her house in a way that would make her late mother proud. And Kim's position as church secretary puts her in the line of fire of her overbearing mom, dismissive dad, and demanding congregants. Not to mention she's being pursued by an old-time acquaintance, church member, and local mortician who thinks its God's will they be together, there's a cute new choir director and associate pastor. It's a recipe for disaster.
The beginning was a little slow for me, and a little confusing as I got used to the dual points of view and blur of events. I also believe I got one of the copies that the author mistakenly put out that wasn't as edited, so I'm not counting that against her. Once I got past the beginning, though, I was sucked in. The drama, the misery, the hopes and shattered dreams. It was a story of broken individuals letting go, and the simple truths that make bearing our hurts a little easier. There's romance and breakups, heartache and new life. It's an emotional journey that in the end I found very satisfactory. The Christian setting is not overly preachy, despite being about a preacher's family, and I believe it's a valuable perspective into the difficulties that those types of families face.