Soul Ink - a great interim novella that can give you a feel for the series

Soul Ink - J. C. Nelson

This is book 1.5 in the Grimm Agency Series, and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I love the colorful descriptions of everything from pain to foul odors that really pulled me into the story. Fun, fast-paced, and fully entertaining, this story is a great read for anyone wanting to dip their toes into the Grimm Agency series and see what the author is all about.


Marissa may be human, but she is still capable of kicking some serious Kingdom butt. Now partner at the Grimm Agency, which is run by the Fairy Godfather, what starts as a bad night with a regrettable tattoo turns into a wild adventure. Accompanied by her assistant, Arianna, and her boyfriend, Liam, she battles against evil forces from the heavenly realm.